360 Dental Specialists

Cosmetic Dentistry in Abbotsford

Dental Services in Abbotsford

Cosmetic Dentistry

A healthy and vibrant smile can improve your happiness and self-confidence. At 360 Dental Specialists, we are passionate about providing prosthodontic treatment to restore and replace missing teeth.

Dental Crowns

Do you have teeth that are broken or damaged due to dental decay? We specialize in restoring teeth that are damaged by fitting dental crowns that look and function like normal teeth, giving you the ability to interact with confidence.


If you feel self-conscious about your smile because of discolouration and other imperfections in your teeth, there is a solution to resolve this! Dental veneers are thin cosmetic shells that are fitted to the tooth’s front surface to improve the look of your smile.

Accepting New Patients

Specialized Dental Practice in Abbotsford with Wide Range of Prosthodontic Services